The African Union Initiative Memphis, Tennessee

From 1957 until his death Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was on the executive committee of A.C.O.A or the "American Committee on Africa."  The purpose of "A.C.O.A." was to support African liberation struggles and inform the American public about African issues. During has last speech in Memphis, Tennessee on April 3, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. mention Johannesburg, South Africa, Accra, Ghana and Nairobi, Kenya.

At the time of writing we African/American just finished the African/American Holiday called "Kwanzaa" whereas we adopt the 7 principles Kwanzaa.  One of the Seven Principle is called "Ujima" or (collective work and responsibility whereas we build and maintain our community together and make our community’s problems our problems and to solve them together.)

Elmore explains that Africa's problems are not just Africa's problems, Africa's problem is also an "African/American Problem."  Dr. Martin Luther King said on May 13, 1959 while the S.C.L.C. was hosting a freedom banquet for Kenya's Tom Mboya Dr. King said; "Our Struggle is not an isolated
struggle; it is not a detached struggle, but it is a part of 1959 the worldwide revolution for
freedom and justice. We are not sitting here detached, as I said, but we are all caught in an
inescapable network of mutuality.  And whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. so
we are  concerned about what is happening in Africa."


Elmore notes we African/American have a GDP of 1.6 Trillion and if we were a nation we would be the 15th largest nation in the world out of 196 nations. Just as the African Union seeks to trade with other African nations Elmore notes that Africa's most important trading partner is the "African/American Community."

Elmore explains that the seat of the Civil Rights movement is in Memphis, Tennessee and that the "African Union" should speak to "Black America" via the African Union honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.and the African Union supporting Americans via "The building of the Tom Mboya/Dr. Martin Luther King Education and Cultural Center in Nairobi, Kenya."  This Education and cultural center will connect America and Africa via building a "Cultural Pathway."

Elmore  asks the African Union to visit "Orange Mound" (The 1st Community in America built for Blacks by Blacks.)  Elmore notes that the African Union must connect and introduce themselves  to "Black America."  Elmore notes that his home in Memphis, Tennessee is the "Most African Home in America" whereas his home in Memphis, Tennessee has more African made products than any home in America.  Elmore ask the African Union to help launch in America; "The Made in Africa Movement" whereas African/Americans agree to buy products made in Africa and Africans agree to make  better products at a cheaper price.

Elmore in 2004 arranged for the over 35 year Memphis African in April Celebration to honor the Country of Kenya.   Elmore wants to arrange for the "African Union" to be honored via a majorr cultural celebration in Memphis, Tennessee.  The celebration will include a majo convention whereas we kick off trade between African/Americans and Africa.  Elmore note what better way to encourage trade between African/Americans and Africa than for the African Union to come to "The Most African Home in America."  Memphis is known as "America's Distribution Center" can also become "Africa's Distribution center.  Memphis is the home of  FedEx.

Click on the above picture and see Video of Anthony Elmore in Ghana getting Furniture made

Elmore notes that the Ghana furniture makes did not have running water, electricity, or a roof, however they were able to complete Elmore's 5000 square foot home in America with elegant Furniture.  Elmore notes that African/Americans spend  over 835 Billion a year on Home Furnishings.  Elmore notes that Africa can create millions of jobs creating home furnishings. 

While everyone AfricanAmerican may not have Africa Art in their homes but every American has a door, a cabinet or a wall whereas Elmore's home has 50 hand carved African doors and Kitchen and bathroom cabinets and custom wall trimming.  There exists an uptapped market for African made products.

Elmore ask that the African Union join with African/Americans to create a "Trade Infrastruture." There is opportunity for sells, production, distribution and marketing of African Goods in America.  Elmore explains that we have in Memphis the "Prototype" for "African Everything."  Elmore not only had his furniture made in African he had the majority of his clothes made in Africa.

Click on the above Picture to see Video